Package documentation


ezcli.config([appname,] [appversion,] [language='en'])

Configure ezCLI.

  • appname (str) – The name of the application

  • appversion (str) – The version of the application

  • language (str) – The language to use for auto-generated content

Return type



EzCLIError – if ezCLI is already configured, or if the language isn’t supported

ezcli.arguments(opt1, opt2, ..., param1, param2, ...)

Parse command-line arguments. If a -h or --help argument is given, display an auto-generated help message and exits.

  • opt1,opt2,... (tuple) – the command-line options of the application. they’re tuples like ('-a', '--my-option', TYPE, 'description') where '-a' and '--my-option' are the forms the option can take (at least one), TYPE is the option type and 'description' its description.

  • param1,param2,... (ParameterType) – the command-line parameters of the application. they shold always be given after the options.


None if the app takes no arguments, the value of the option/parameter if there’s only one, else a tuple with the value of each of the options, in the order they were passed to the function.


EzCLIError – If an option isn’t valid or given after a parameter